
Charlie and Tina Farquharson. Newly arrived to Fort St John and ready to share our adventures.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Blazing Bird Box

Our dear friend, Megan Ames, visited us from Prince George this past Labour Day weekend. She is definitely "good people". She ably assisted us in the burning of the last bird feeder which had adorned one of the many trees on our property, as can be seen in the fire pit. Vast quantities of Megan's delicious beery creations were consumed over the course of the weekend. Megan is the "Beer Frau" at Caribous Brewmasters in PG. We met through her dad who is the dentist at the Dental Hygiene college I went to, but our friendship grew through a love of silliness, literature, CBC and good beer. We missed Ryan, her beau, as he is still busy working as a fishing guide on the Queen Charlotte Islands but we are looking forward to seeing them both in October time when we next will go down to PG. "Megan, thank you for coming, we think you are fab!" (said in a sturgeon mouth pod stylie). Posted by Picasa


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