
Charlie and Tina Farquharson. Newly arrived to Fort St John and ready to share our adventures.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

High on Ice 2007

In the frozen Northern wastelands, in that January post-Christmas funk, events are organized. There is dog-sledding, snowmobile races, snow golf, ice carving, horsedrawn sleigh rides, tobogganing races and curling bonspiels. This all occurs under the name of "High on Ice". This event was not well advertised. We did see flags hanging from the light posts saying High on Ice but Charlie thought it was a reference to crystal meth!

Yesterday, we went to check out the ice carving. It was similar to the sandcastle competition but a hell of a lot colder. The temperature hovered around -15 degrees celsius. There were teams there from BC and from as far away as Russia. Their work was amazing. Locals even have a chance to take part. Posted by Picasa


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