
Charlie and Tina Farquharson. Newly arrived to Fort St John and ready to share our adventures.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Guess the season and win a pint.

Yes, the weather in St John's was really shite! The average temperature was 8 degrees and we were bundled up in toques, this was June for goodness sake! Well, what can you expect from an island in the North Atlantic with ice bergs floating by. Actually, the poor weather was partly a result of said ice bergs. The warm wet air passing over the ice bergs results in heavy cold fog.

The curve in the road is the end of infamous George Street which consists of nothing but pubs and clubs. The construction seen in the lower righthand of the picture was on a new brewpub which will hopefully be completed by our next trip but on Newfoundland time we are not entirely certain it will be!

The gregarious Newfoundland drinker, full of wit and spontaneous fiddle playing, is a noturnal beast that we rarely encountered. A late night for us is eleven o'clock which is about 2 hours before the Newfie drinker appears on the scene. On our next trip to Nfld, we plan on practising staying up late weeks before going so as to be able to sample the nightlife at least once.
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