
Charlie and Tina Farquharson. Newly arrived to Fort St John and ready to share our adventures.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Our little Fort St John house

Well, here is our latest house...built in 1957 for Petro Canada. It is solid, at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, has good neighbours, and is only five minutes from town (not even). Most importantly for Charlie, it has a big shop!!! It also has a good-sized yard for our impending hound.
It is nice to be settled. We have a five year plan to be in FSJ, then we will re-evaluate the situation. But having spoken to many residents of this fine town who came for a year (30 years ago) and never left, we foresee being here for some time. Although aparently there is a large influx of "rig pigs" each winter (for exploration and maintenance of the oil and gas wells), there appears to be a strong non-transient community based here. Charlie already has procured membership for the two of us at the local Rod and Gun club (no, I don't shoot, but I guess I am going to learn soon). Charlie is looking forward to enrolling Ogri into some sort of gun dog training so he can take advantage of the natural spinoni ability for flushing and retrieving upland gamebirds. FSJ is a small, friendly town. We can't imagine that it will be too long before we have made friends here. Charlie is already making himself known throughout the community with his usual frantic activity and acidic wit and I have been out to the movies with some of the "girls" from work. Posted by Picasa


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