
Charlie and Tina Farquharson. Newly arrived to Fort St John and ready to share our adventures.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


As some of you may already know, we fell in love with Lunenburg. It is a small town, an hour south of Halifax. It is such a beautiful little town that is so well preserved in its coastal history that it has been granted UNESCO World Heritage status.

We went there first with Arno but couldn't resist going back after he left. While there, we almost bought a 120 year old house in the old town but given the maintenance usually associated with such old structures,we decided againgst the purchase . Instead, we invested in both sides of a yet to be built semi-detached home in a new subdivision of town. It should be ready by Mar '08 and it will be about six years before we will be moving out that way. But already, we are excited about our future plans of becoming Maritimers.
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